
Hellah Healthy LLC. founded by Bianca Smith and cofounder Keith Smith to merge their passions and evoke change in the fitness and wellness community. As parents to 5 children, the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle have always held a prominent position in their home.

Bianca and Keith's entrepreneurial background, paired with Keith’s experience as a professional athlete in the NFL, coaching, training, and program development, allows him to construct sustainable workout plans at any level. Bianca is a true creative, with her attending college for culinary arts and restaurant management. She also has experience in home renovation and design. Bianca's zeal for food and its ability to heal led her to obtain her certification as a Functional Nutrition Counselor, specializing in personalized nutrition plans and coaching for her client's current and future wellness goals.

As Hellah Healthy continues to grow, we will be your one-stop shop for nutritional supplements, fitness guides, individualized nutrition counseling, activewear, CBD products, and home essentials.

Let's be Hellah Healthy together!

Our Values

  • We believe in making a difference in the health and wellness community

  • We provide high-quality information, education, and products

  • We are committed to our client’s and customer’s experience

  • We believe in continuous education for our team

  • We believe in an individualized approach

  • We believe in accountability

  • We believe in inclusion

  • We believe in consistency

  • We believe in discipline